Our New Mass Setting has arrived and YES!
It has the Children's Eucharistic Prayer Responses:
music by Andrew Chinn
music by Andrew Chinn
music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise
Mass of Echoing Praise: Lord Have Mercy music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: Kyrie Eleison music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: The Gloria music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: Alleluia music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: Lenten Gospel Acclamation music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: The Sanctus/Holy Holy by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: Memorial Acclamation A music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: Memorial Acclamation B music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: Memorial Acclamation C music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: Great Amen music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: The Lord's Prayer music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: For Yours Is The Kingdom music by Andrew Chinn
Mass of Echoing Praise: Lamb of God music by Andrew Chinn
It's been a while in the making! This was a setting I originally wrote in 2007, just in time for the word change in 2010! Now updated and approved by ICEL, the International Commission on English in the Liturgy.
It's written to be "child-friendly", easily sung by our students. It features some students from Good Shepherd school in Kelmscott, WA, being led by the voice of Jenni Lane and the musical prowess of our own Drew Lane.
The artwork for the album cover and PowerPoints was created by my youngest daughter, Eleanor Chinn.
Here are the chords. The score should be available in the next week or two.
Mass of Echoing Praise music by Andrew Chinn (chords)